Smile Gallery 2020-10-13T09:43:49+00:00


We Care About Your Teeth

Everyone in these photos is an actual patient of Beyond Smile Dental Clinic and everyone is more than happy to share that beautiful, healthy “Exceptional Smile” with the world.

Scaling and Polishing

Naturally Yellow Teeth
Bayo is a brand manager of a multi-billion naira brand, to move to the next-level in her career she wanted to do something about the naturally yellow-shaded teeth, we gave her our invisalign treatment, she got exactly what she wanted, a big bright smile!

Tooth crown

Broken or Wornout Teeth
Have you seen someone grinded his/her teeth while asleep?, ok, did you know that some even grind while awake but, yes unconsciously. Occlusal splint or mouthguard are effective ways by which this anomaly is prevented.
Mr David case was traumatising for him, because he said he could not afford to have such extremely wornout teeth being a TV personality, after a quick intervention of our smile-redesigning sessions, he finally got exactly what he wanted


Cracked Teeth
Teeth are cracked when one chews or bite hard foods, accidents, in a fistfight, fall and most especially in Nigeria where using one’s teeth to open bottled drinks is a common practise. Victor came around complaining of acute pain whenever he consumed cold, hot or spicy foods, no one can blame him because everyone consumes such delicacies. Now he is no longer afraid to eat whatever he chooses.

Effects of thumb sucking

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