Better quality of life is possible with our professional dental care and the clinical cosmetic smile redesigning.
Cosmetic Dentistry, is basically the same as dental aesthetic or simply dental cosmetic. It is a procedure that holistically improves or beautifies the appearance of the teeth, gum, and other oral features. Aesthetic and Functionality are the two major factors an observant patient needs to watch out for.
Dental Emergency happens when the teeth and or surrounding tissues suffer unexpected trauma or accident and needs to be checked by a professional, not all of them are accompanied with pain though. Should you experience a dental emergency, We will pick your call if you place one even outside our working period, we specifically open Sundays for busy Monday-Fridays so you don’t miss a thing, or in case your child or any of your loved ones require an immediate dental care, we will be around to assist you.

Conscious Sedation/Dental Anaestithia is a procedure that is considered for patients who needs to be extra relaxed during the treatment. It basically puts patients at ease and generally relieves anxiety before treatment is done. It is different from general anesthesia.
A crown is the cap used to restore your teeth to its original form, shade, shape and size, it will also prevent it from further damage. We create a cutomized crown that perfectly fits and matches the colour and total appearance of your teeth, thereby giving you the very healthy and everlasting smile you so desire.
Bridge on the other hand makes use of the surrounding tooth/teeth to support a missing tooth/teeth. Bridge can be used to correct teeth gaps, depending on severity.
While different approaches have been explored by cosmetic dentists to achieve an incredibly perfect smile, some have constantly proven to be more
1. Effective
2. Efficient
3. Cost-Effective
4. Durable and most importantly healthy without any drawback whatsoever.
Because there is no one size fit all, the best approach is jointly decided based on your peculiar case.
Do you have a healthy dentition but not a perfectly arranged one to support your ideal lifestyle, Off course it does affect your smile and confidence.
Smile Redesigning at Beyond Smile, goes beyond having a full Hollywood type of perfect smile, we ensure that your teeth’s functionality also does not suffer.
Professional teeth whitening treatment at Beyond Smile Dental Aesthetic is a completely painless procedure, anaesthesia is employed only when necessary which put patients to absolute ease. Our Power Whitening is a synergy of laboratory certified healthy compound with state-of-the-art technology. The in-office power whitening treament is one-off except where necessary, the procedure may be repeated to attain the highest level of white shade ideal for a healthy looking teeth. Thereafter, you are given home care products to be used regularly so you then never lose your whites again!
To achieve a healthy and functional oral profile, its a deliberate effort from patients, dentist and the supporting dental hygienists, they help you to schedule a customized sessions through the year.
Our warm, caring and well-trained dental hygienists will follow-up with you to ensure that you are able to easily avoid plaque that gradually build-up to calculus and other oral conditions. You will be able to avoid gum diseases, tooth decay, calculus and caries, sore throats and mouth odour. You would be glad you did!
Having a bad breath in Lagos of nowadays is a terrible mistake, and better avoided, catered for and prevented as the side effects has proven to be very disturbing among those that have ever cared to come out to seek help.
No wonder the toothpaste companies never seize to stop using Fresh breath in their line of adverts.
Different people react to different foods, medications, gum diseases and life-style can contribute greatly to formation of bad breath in one’s mouth, which can even be sensed almost without opening the mouth.
Our Hygiene Dental Specialist will carry-out a proper physical oral test and when necessary Xray to diagnose where there’s a problem, execute ultrasonic scaling and polishing, fillings, prescriptions and then draft an everlasting do-it-yourself instructions.
Same day tooth replacement is possible for fast and budget friendly option. But, Implants and Bridges are the contemporary methods to have your missing tooth back. The process is carried out by the implant specialist to achieve a lifetime result.
Implant is not the cheapest option to get your lost teeth replaced, Bridge is also quite affordable.
What is an Overbite:
This is simply when the lower jaw is less developed than the upper jaw thereby creating alot of problems for the individual.
There are also Underbite which is the opposite of Overbite, there is crossbite and Openbites, technically we refer to them as Malloclusion
Problems Created By Overbite:
It makes it difficult for you to properly clean the teeth
Teeth and Gum diseases set in and result in tooth loss
You may experience jaw pain and headaches
You have less ability to chew your food properly without shifting from one side of the mouth to the other, it puts more stress on your digestion mechanism.
Sound formation and speech impediment are common including breathing issues
Embarrasing spit may come out will making conversation.
Do Overbite Get Worse With Age
Absolutely yes, Apart from inhibiting the technical functionality of the mouth, it also alters the individual’s facial profile which is a credible source of worry to those who should ordinarily be doing better in their field.
How Expensive and How Long to Fix An Overbite
It is much easier and cheaper to fix overbite or generally malloclusion in a youthful dentition than the old, and except where it is overtly severe, between 6 months to 2 years.